Howdy, Partner!
It is said that two heads are better than one and that is often true. When two people join forces to work on an important goal, expertise and resources are shared and the goal is reached more quickly. Moreover, there is someone available to help make decisions, someone to vent frustrations and celebrate victories with. Human beings are social animals. Most of us have an intimate partner in our life, or would like one. Many aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs would like to have a partner in their enterprise, as well. A life or business partner can bring many advantages to a relationship , or can bring disaster. Most business partnerships fail and nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce. Your marriage partner and your business partner must each be chosen with care and an eye to the future. Opposites may attract, but they are usually unsustainable affairs. Shared values, goals, priorities, expectations, vision for the enterprise and complementary skills are the ties that bind...